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Revamp Your Career

Revamp Your Career

Revamp Your Career

Welcome to the one-stop shop for all your career-enhancing needs! We offer a range of cutting-edge services designed to elevate your professional game to the next level.

Our Services

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Track record

Track record

Our Results Speak for Itself

Our Results Speak for Itself

From industry leaders like Honda, Skydio, and Bombardier to renowned firms like IBI Group, we've guided numerous students in securing positions in their desired fields. Our meticulous approach is informed by the vast array of research opportunities, extracurricular activities, and standout personal engineering projects available to you. Our strategies are grounded in our own invaluable job application experiences, and our track record stands as evidence. Partner with us, and you'll be poised to embark on the next exciting chapter of your professional journey.

Our Services

Get Started

Welcome to the one-stop shop for all your career-enhancing needs! We offer a range of cutting-edge services designed to elevate your professional game to the next level.

land your dream job bundles

Kickstart Package

Career Compass Session

Resume Reengineering

Cover Letter Craftmanship

LinkedIn Profile Optimization



Career Mastery Package

Career Compass Session

Resume Reengineering

Cover Letter Craftmanship

LinkedIn Profile Optimization

Interview Preparation

Progress Checkpoint Meetings

Continuous Career Support


Payments can be done in installments.

land your dream job bundles


Career Consulting

Resume Reengineering

Cover Letter Catalyst

LinkedIn Profile Optimization

Interview Preparation

Progress Checkpoint Meetings

Continuous Career Support

Kickstart Package

Career Mastery Package

Payments can be done in installments.

Have Questions?
Schedule a free call!

Have Questions?
Schedule a free call!

Have Questions?
Schedule a free call!

Not sure which Enginuitee service is right for you? Schedule a no-obligation Discovery Call with us. We'll quickly outline our career-boosting services and help you identify the best fit for your goals. Start your journey to professional success today!

Success components



Competitor Analysis

Industry-specific Keywords

Expert Feedback

Two Revisions (guaranteed satisfaction)

ATS Optimization

Fast Turnaround



Career Consulting

Engineering Project Advice

Extracurricular Excellence

Skill Enhancement Workshops

Unlock Research Opportunities

Industry Connections

Two in-depth sessions that goes over the above topics



Interview Ignition

Personal Brand Development

Behavioral & Technical Prep

Customized Strategies

Two 1.5 hrs sessions of in-depth practice

Expert Feedback

Ace your confidence and technique



LinkedIn Profile


Impactful Content Boost

Build Authentic Connections

Maximized Visibility

Profile Description Makeover

Stay Ahead of the Curve

Dedicated Expert Support

Prices Vary

Cover Letter


Industry-specific Keywords

Personalized to Companies and Positions

Expert Feedback

Three Revisions (guaranteed satisfaction)

ATS Optimization

Fast Turnaround



Boost Your Extracurriculars

Project Guidance
Engineering (exclusive

to mechs for now)

Prices Vary

Prices Vary

One-on-one personalized guidance

Targeted projects that will get you that dream internship

Fast Turnaround

*Price depends on duration and complexity of project. See our projects page for reference and contact us for a quote.



Prices Vary

Prices Vary

Extracurricular Assistance

Personal Statement Crafting

Interview Preparation

Scholarship Apply Assistance

Fast Turnaround

Request a Quote




24/7 Availability

D.E.E.P. Enhance Method

Instant Feedback

Personalized Suggestions

ATS Optimization

How Our Services Bundles Work

Step by step guidance to help you get hired!

Week 1: Self-Discovery & Career Mapping

Self-Discovery & Goal Setting

Have you identified your dream job? What are your career aspirations? Let's strategize your journey in our exclusive one-on-one session!

Career Consulting

We'll meet again to plan your career in more detail. We'll identify your skills and experience gaps so you can become the perfect candidate.

Week 2: Branding and Application

Resume Revamp

Your revamped resume now targets your dream role! Engage in another personalized session to delve into all the enhancements.

LinkedIn Profile Revision

Your polished LinkedIn profile is ready for action! It's tailored around your target role, priming you for networking and landing that dream job.

Application Strategy

Leverage your new LinkedIn profile to build connections! Master the art of networking with hiring managers, recruiters, and industry professionals on LinkedIn.

Auto Apply Kickoff

We'll harness your new resume and launch 50 job applications on your behalf! Each application is laser-focused on your ideal role.

Week 3: Interview Preparation

Interview Prep Session #1

Engage in a one-on-one mock interview with a recruiter or hiring manager. Absorb vital feedback on your demeanor, vitality, and responses! We'll coach you to ace the initial round of interviews.

Interview Prep Session #2

This round, concentrate on securing the job with a late-stage mock interview. Respond to genuine interview queries from your target role. Fear not, we'll arm you with preparatory homework!

Week 4 and Beyond: Follow-ups and Support

Auto Apply Results

The verdict is out! We've propelled 50 job applications for you. Now, seize the reins. Engage with the companies and conduct the interviews!

Check-In Meetings (Days 45 & 90)

We're your steadfast allies! Got more queries? Seeking further guidance or a morale boost? We'll touch base with you twice to ensure your job hunt is on track.













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